Step into Your Discomfort Zone!!

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    No doubt you've heard the phrase 'stepping out of your comfort zone.' I never liked that much - because to me it sounded incomplete, even weak. The reason is because it's not really measurable - let's say your comfort zone is to spend your paycheck and not save ... you could "step out of your comfort zone" and save Rs.200 a month, but where's that going to get you. For a lot of people their "stepping out" is like when you put the tip of your toe in the pool to test the temperature. But if you're serious about changing your life, you're going to have to cannonball into that pool. You're going to have to do more than just step out of your comfort zone. You're going to have to step into - and I mean ALL the way into - your discomfort zone (Forget saving Rs. 200 - do some serious belt-tightening!).

    You are where you are in life right now because of the habitual decisions you make. The person you are and the capabilities you have are what brought you to the place you are in life. If you're going to grow as a person, though, you're going to have to press yourself to do things that you aren't able to do right now. You're going to have to make those online classes you've been dreading happen productively. You're going to have to make some sacrifices in your spending habits. You're going to have to discipline yourself to do the things you currently aren't capable of - or haven't been willing to do. You're going to have to force yourself to live in that discomfort zone until you're comfortable with it.

    You don't change your life by stepping out of your comfort zone. You do it by conquering your discomfort zones. You step in, take the pain, and ride it out ... until your discomfort zone isn't so bad anymore. Until you thrive in it. Then you look for the next discomfort zone and you do it again. When it comes to changing your life, it's not just about positive thinking and a good attitude. You've got to walk into the areas of life you've been avoiding and stake your claim ... or else you're going to be stuck where you are for the rest of your life. And when you think about it, that's not really a comfortable place to be. The pandemic has thrown our lives into a turmoil, especially all academic institutions. From controllable classroom teaching to teaching online, the change is sometimes a challenge to swallow. However, there is light at the end of the tunnel. 4KF Integro will make the change; it will make you into a successful virtual teacher, enhance your abilities and convert them into earnings so that life hereafter is easier to manage. However, you need to step into your discomfort zone to become comfortable with the change needed.

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